Cancellation and Refunds

  • District 214 reserves the right to cancel a class due to low enrollment. Courses are subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment numbers are not met.  If the canceled class is offered in an alternate format and seats are available, students in the canceled course will be given the option to take the course in the alternate format.


    Applies to Credit Recovery, Get Ahead and By Invitation Courses

    For registrations completed via the online registration system and paid via credit card, refunds will be credited back to the credit card charged when the refund request is also complete via the online registration system. For registration paid by check, cash, or money order, refunds will be processed by the student’s home school, and a refund check will be mailed to the student’s home within 30 - 45 days.

    If a student drops an academic course after paying tuition and fees, the following refund schedule will apply:

    1st Session and 2nd Session

    Full Refund: any time District 214 cancels a class

    Full Refund: on the first class day of the session

    No Refund: on or after the second class day of the session

    Students who are administratively dropped from a course due to lack of participation (online courses), absences, tardiness, or disciplinary reasons will forfeit all tuition and fees. Once a given summer school session begins, there is no prorated refund of the transportation fee. 


    Driver Education tuition is nonrefundable except in the following cases: 

    • An administrative decision that precludes the student from taking driver education (e.g. canceled session). 
    • The student is ineligible due to second semester final grades. 
    • Program director approval of a written refund request

    Once a given summer school session begins, there is no prorated refund of the transportation fee. 


    Full Refund: any time District 214 cancels a class

    Full Refund: on the first day of class

    No Refund: on or after the second day of class

    Refunds of transportation or materials fees will only be given if the course is canceled by District 214.