Academic Courses
Credit Recovery courses are fast-paced, abbreviated versions of standard courses taught during the school year. They are designed for students who want to replace a failing grade or need to repeat a required core academic course. These courses are not intended to be taken for initial credit. Students may not take courses in this category if they do not already have a transcripted grade for the course.
When a student registers for a Credit Recovery course, the system will check to verify that the course registered for has been taken and failed previously. If the course is not found on the student’s transcript, the system will pause and present a message indicating that before proceeding with registration, approval must be granted by the student’s counselor.
Students who are registered or plan to be registered with the NCAA should consult with their counselor before registering for specific Credit Recovery courses.
Courses in this category include:
- Written & Oral Communication/English 9
- World Literature and Composition/English 10
- American Literature & Composition/English 11
- Senior English (online only)
- Algebra
- Intermediate Algebra
- Algebra II
- Geometry
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Health
Click here for course specifics.
Upon successful completion of the summer course, the student’s original grade is replaced with an “RE” (repeat) designation and the new course and grade are recorded on the student’s transcript. For more information about repeating a course, see the Policies and Procedures section of the website.
Credit Recovery courses may be offered in-person and/or online.
Get Ahead courses are for students who want to satisfy a graduation requirement or participate in an enrichment experience outside of the school year. Courses may be offered either in-person, online, or both as appropriate.
Courses in this category include:
- Art Survey
- Personal Finance or Consumer Education
- Health
- Excelling in Honors and AP
Click here for course specifics.
By invitation, courses are applicable only to certain groups of students. These courses are only offered in-person. Students who qualify for these courses will be sent information prior to the opening of registration. Only invited students will see these courses in the registration system.
Courses in this category include:
- Bridge to English Language (EL)
- Bridge to High School
- Extended School Year (ESY)
- International Newcomer Academy
- Preparing for Algebra
- Preparing for Honors Math
- Honors Geometry
- Excelling in Honors/AP
- EL Reading/Writing 1
Click here for course specifics.