Science Course Descriptions
Biology 05021
Session 1 / In Person
Grade: 9-12Students will develop an understanding surrounding the commonality and diversity of all living organisms and their interactions with each other. This lab-based course will teach students to explore, construct, model and analyze the basic notion of life, including cellular and chemical processes necessary for life.
Biology 05022
Session 2 / In Person
Grade: 9-12Students will develop an understanding surrounding the commonality and diversity of all living organisms and their interactions with each other. This lab-based course will teach students to explore, construct, model and analyze the basic notion of life, including cellular and chemical processes necessary for life.
Chemistry 05111
Session 1 / In Person
Grade: 10-12Students will develop a conceptual and mathematical understanding of the particulate nature of matter. This lab-based course will teach students to explore, construct, model and analyze the structure of matter, energy, and the potential interactions matter undergoes.
Chemistry 05112
Session 2 / In Person
Grade: 10-12Students will develop a conceptual and mathematical understanding of the particulate nature of matter. This lab-based course will teach students to explore, construct, model and analyze the structure of matter, energy, and the potential interactions matter undergoes.
Credit Revovery
Offered to rising sophomores, juniors and seniors only. Credit Recovery courses are for students who want to replace a failing grade or repeat a required core academic course. All in-person courses are located at Rolling Meadows High School from 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. during the session specified in the course description.