Social Science Course Descriptions

  • Human Geography 09311A
    Grade: 9-12

    Students will understand the world’s physical features, how they blend with social systems and how they affect economies, politics, and human interaction. By understanding how political and economic systems influence international events, students will develop the skills and knowledge they will need to be contributing citizens. This course satisfies the district’s graduation requirement for civics.

    Human Geography 09312A
    Grade: 9-12

    Students will understand the world’s physical features, how they blend with social systems and how they affect economies, politics, and human interaction. By understanding how political and economic systems influence international events, students will develop the skills and knowledge they will need to be contributing citizens. This course satisfies the district’s graduation requirement for civics.

    World History 07581A
    Grade: 10-12

    Students will learn about the development of civilization from prehistoric times to the present day. Topics will include how governments evolved, religion, developments in science and technology; conflict; and the arts. Students will evaluate the contributions of the civilizations of Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas; and how those contributions have influenced the current world order.

    World History 07582A
    Grade: 10-12

    Students will learn about the development of civilization from prehistoric times to the present day. Topics will include how governments evolved, religion, developments in science and technology; conflict; and the arts. Students will evaluate the contributions of the civilizations of Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, and how those contributions have influenced the current world order.

    U.S. History 07641A
    Grade: 11-12

    Students will investigate the history of America from the age of exploration to the present. The material may be presented in either chronological or thematic units. Students will also engage in topics such as the federal and state constitutions, the Declaration of Independence, and the flag code. Through this course, students will be prepared for the Constitution test, which is a graduation requirement.

    U.S. History 07642A
    Grade: 11-12

    Students will investigate the history of America from the post-Reconstruction era to the present. The material may be presented in either chronological or thematic units.

    Civics 59950A
    Grade: 8-12

    Students will gain understanding of the purposes, principles and practices of American government as established by the United States Constitution.  Students will understand their rights and responsibilities as American citizens and how to exercise these rights and responsibilities in local, state, and national government. This course meets the civic graduation requirement.

Credit Recovery

  • Offered to rising sophomores, juniors and seniors only. Credit Recovery courses are for students who want to replace a failing grade or repeat a required core academic course. All in-person courses are located at Rolling Meadows High School from 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. during the session specified in the course description.