Get Ahead Course Descriptions
Art Survey 01250
Session 1 / In Person
Grade: 8-12Students will receive instruction in drawing, painting, and three-dimensional art. Students will also study how visual art interrelates with the other arts. This course meets the district’s fine arts graduation requirement.
Personal Finance 06210
Session 1 / In-Person
Grade: 8-12Students will gain a foundational understanding for making informed personal financial decisions. Projects for this class involve interactive computer assignments that simulate real-life decision-making skills. This course satisfies the Illinois State Consumer Education graduation requirement.
Personal Finance 06210
Session 2 / In-Person
Grade: 8-12Students will gain a foundational understanding for making informed personal financial decisions. Projects for this class involve interactive computer assignments that simulate real-life decision-making skills. This course satisfies the Illinois State Consumer Education graduation requirement.
Consumer Education 59940A
Grade: 8-12Students will learn financial literacy, including installment purchasing, budgeting, savings and investing, banking, understanding simple contracts, state and federal income taxes, and personal insurance policies. This course meets the consumer education graduation requirement.
Health Education 08690
Session 1 / In-Person
Grade: 9,10, 11, 12Students will learn the major concepts of wellness and personal and public health. In this course, students will be trained on how to properly administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation and how to use an automated external defibrillator.
Health Education 08690
Session 2 / In-Person
Grade: 9,10, 11, 12Students will learn the major concepts of wellness and personal and public health. In this course, students will be trained on how to properly administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation and how to use an automated external defibrillator.
Health Education 08693A
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12Students will learn the major concepts of wellness and personal and public health. In this course, students will be trained on how to properly administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation and how to use an automated external defibrillator.
Excelling in Honors & AP Course 02320
Session 1 / In Person
Current Grade: 8-9This class will prepare students for success in honors and Advanced Placement courses. Topics include: study skills, time management, test taking strategies, ACT/SAT skill development, document analysis, digital citizenship, and essay development. This class also incorporates guest speakers on topics such as Career Pathways, District 214 internship programs, TDP Summer Enrichment and the importance of getting involved in co-curricular activities. Students will receive 0.5 elective credit and a grade of P (pass) or NC (No credit). This is a one session course.
Excelling in Honors & AP Course 02320
Session 2 / In Person
Grade: 8-9This class will prepare students for success in honors and Advanced Placement courses. Topics include: study skills, time management, test taking strategies, ACT/SAT skill development, document analysis, digital citizenship, and essay development. This class also incorporates guest speakers on topics such as Career Pathways, District 214 internship programs, TDP Summer Enrichment and the importance of getting involved in co-curricular activities. Students will receive 0.5 elective credit and a grade of P (pass) or NC (No credit). This is a one session course.
Get Ahead
Get Ahead courses are for students who want to satisfy a graduation requirement or participate in an enrichment experience outside of the school year. All in-person courses are located at Rolling Meadows High School from 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. during the session specified in the course description.