Invitation Course Descriptions

  • Bridge to High School 02120
    Session 1 / In Person
    Grade: 8

    Students will study reading, writing, speaking, listening, and math. Students will explore & experience various career pathways.  Students will practice skills necessary to make a smooth transition to high school. Students will  earn elective credit.

    Bridge to High School 02120
    Session 2 / In Person
    Grade: 8

    Students will study reading, writing, speaking, listening, and math. Students will explore & experience various career pathways.  Students will practice skills necessary to make a smooth transition to high school. Students will  earn elective credit.

    Bridge to English Language (EL) 02310
    Session 1 / In Person
    Grade: 8

    Students will study reading, writing, speaking, listening, and math. Students will further their English language skills.  Students will explore & experience various career pathways.  Students will practice skills necessary to make a smooth transition to high school. Students will earn elective credit.

    Bridge to English Language (EL) 02310
    Session 2 / In Person
    Grade: 8

    Students will study reading, writing, speaking, listening, and math. Students will further their English language skills.  Students will explore & experience various career pathways.  Students will practice skills necessary to make a smooth transition to high school. Students will earn elective credit.

    Preparation for Algebra 04280
    Session 1 / In Person
    Grade: 8

    This course is designed to strengthen students’ foundational math and problem-solving skills to help provide a smooth transition into Algebra I by focusing on number sense, linear equations, inequalities and communication skills that are foundational to high school mathematics. 

    Preparation for Algebra 04280
    Session 2 / In Person
    Grade: 8

    This course is designed to strengthen students’ foundational math and problem-solving skills to help provide a smooth transition into Algebra I by focusing on number sense, linear equations, inequalities and communication skills that are foundational to high school mathematics.

    Preparation for Honors Math 04330
    Session 1 / In Person
    Grade: 8

    This course is designed to strengthen students’ algebraic and critical thinking skills and help provide a smooth transition into honors mathematics by focusing on the essential algebra topics that are foundational to high school honors mathematics.

    Preparation for Honors Math 04330
    Session 2 / In Person
    Grade: 8

    This course is designed to strengthen students’ algebraic and critical thinking skills and help provide a smooth transition into honors mathematics by focusing on the essential algebra topics that are foundational to high school honors mathematics.

    Honors Geometry 04820/04830
    Session 1 AND Session 2 / Blended In Person & Online
    Grade: 9-12

    Students will investigate, analyze, explain, and apply the properties of two and three-dimensional figures with an emphasis on Euclidean geometry. Applications of algebraic skills will be used to support spatial reasoning and conjecture. This course is offered ONLY during summer school. Students MUST sign up for both sessions.

    ESL Reading/Writing 1 01981C/01982C
    Session 1 AND Session 2 / In-Person
    Grade: 9-12

    Students will develop essential skills in reading and writing in an integrated language arts class for students who need work in fundamental areas. The course will provide instruction in basic language skills, integrating reading, writing, speaking, and listening, while placing great emphasis on the progress of individual students. Course content depends upon students’ abilities and may include vocabulary building, improving spelling and grammar, developing writing and composition skills, reading silently or aloud, and improving listening and comprehension abilities. Students will write a variety of paragraphs, expand vocabulary skills through study of Greek and Latin roots, review grammar and usage, and read an assortment of fiction and nonfiction text.

    Excelling in Honors & AP Course 02320
    Session 1 / In Person
    Current Grade: 8-9

    This class will prepare students for success in honors and Advanced Placement courses. Topics include: study skills, time management, test taking strategies, ACT/SAT skill development, document analysis, digital citizenship, and essay development. This class also incorporates guest speakers on topics such as Career Pathways, District 214 internship programs, TDP Summer Enrichment and the importance of getting involved in co-curricular activities. Students will receive 0.5 elective credit and a grade of P (pass) or NC (No credit). This is a one session course.

    Excelling in Honors & AP Course 02320
    Session 2 / In Person
    Grade: 8-9

    This class will prepare students for success in honors and Advanced Placement courses. Topics include: study skills, time management, test taking strategies, ACT/SAT skill development, document analysis, digital citizenship, and essay development. This class also incorporates guest speakers on topics such as Career Pathways, District 214 internship programs, TDP Summer Enrichment and the importance of getting involved in co-curricular activities. Students will receive 0.5 elective credit and a grade of P (pass) or NC (No credit). This is a one session course.

    Extended School Year (ESY) 02380
    Session 1 / In Person at The Academy at Forest View Educational Center
    Grade: 8-12

    Extended School Year (ESY) is an eligibility-based program for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).  The purpose of ESY is to help Special Education students, who are identified through their IEP, maintain critical skills identified in their IEP. Extended School Year curricular programming covers various academic and functional skills that are taught throughout the school year, with an emphasis on the targeted IEP goals for each student.  The purpose of Extended School Year is to also help students maintain learning targets following summer break, with opportunities for application of skills.

    International Newcomer Academy 08101/08102
    Session 1 AND Session 2 / In Person
    Grade: 9-12

    Students will study reading, writing, speaking, listening, and math. Students will further their English language skills.  Students will explore & experience various career pathways.  Students will practice skills necessary to make a smooth transition to high school. Students will earn elective credit. Students MUST sign up for a session.

Invitation Only

  • Invitation Only courses are those which are applicable only to certain groups of students.  These courses are only offered in person.  Students who qualify for these courses will be sent information prior to the opening of registration.  All in-person courses are located at Rolling Meadows High School from 7:30am-12:30pm during the session specified in the course description, with the exception of Extended School Year which is hosted at The Academy at Forest View Education Center.