General Information

  • District 214’s Summer Experience! is an all-encompassing program that includes academic coursework, primarily for Credit Recovery, with a few courses that students can take to Get Ahead on graduation requirements or prepare themselves for success in Honors and/or Advanced Placement (AP) coursework.   

    Invitation programs address the specific needs of unique student groups and are also hosted during the summer.  

    Other non-academic programs offered within Summer Experience! are Driver Education, Enrichment and Career Pathways experiences and the many Athletic Camp opportunities available at each of District 214’s high schools.

    All in-person summer academic programming will be hosted at Rolling Meadows High School with the exception of the Extended School Year program which will be hosted at The Academy at Forest View.

    While most Enrichment and Career Pathway experiences will be hosted at Rolling Meadows High School, a few courses are hosted at other District 214 high schools.  The specific location of each course can be found in the Individual Course/Experience Descriptions section of the website.

    Rolling Meadows High School
    2901 West Central Road, Rolling Meadows

    The Academy at Forest View
    2121 South Goebbert Road, Arlington Heights

    In addition to in-person classes, Academic (Credit Recovery and Get Ahead) courses will also be offered online.

    Summer Experience consists of two sessions, with in-person classes generally meeting from 7:30 a.m-12:30 p.m. There are exceptions to this timing for certain programs, including Enrichment and Career Pathway Experiences and Driver Education. Details including the school day schedule for each course are provided in the Individual Course/Experience Descriptions.

    SESSION 1: JUNE 9-26

    Week 1: June 9-12
    Week 2: June 16-20*
    Week 3: June 23-26

    SESSION 2: JULY 7-24

    Week 4: July 7-10
    Week 5: July 14-17
    Week 6: July 21-24

    Summer Experience is a robust program with courses, experiences and camps available to current students and future students. Our selection of offerings is based on projected participant interest and staff availability. District 214 reserves the right to cancel any program, course, experience or camp should there not be sufficient participant registration or staff availability. When a course is canceled by the District, fees will be refunded. Please see the Tuition and Fees section of the website for details.

    *Due to Juneteenth falling on Thursday, June 19, summer courses that week will run Monday, Wednesday and Friday that week.

  • Click here to download our Summer Experience brochure.