When to Keep Your Child Home
School attendance is important for effective learning and academic development. Most children, unless they have a specific medical problem, should only miss a few days of school a year. It is important to notify the school nurse if your child suffers from a medical problem, particularly if it will impede his/her school performance or attendance. Absences should be reported to the Attendance Office. Communicable diseases and hospitalizations should also be reported to the nurse.
Most school-age illness is secondary to viral infection and not life threatening unless the child is immunologically compromised. If your child has a fever over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or is experiencing vomiting or diarrhea, DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL. Students should be fever-free for a full 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
Outside medical evaluation should be considered if your child is experiencing severe pain, signs or symptoms of an infection, recurring symptoms and/or rash. Drainage from the eyes, ears or wounds is indicative of infection. Over-the-counter remedies may improve your child’s comfort, however, if symptoms persist or are severe, please consult your child’s medical provider. If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse during school hours.
Frequent handwashing is the first defense against disease and protects against surface bacterial and viral infections. Physical health is also dependent upon good mental health, functional coping skills and a positive attitude reinforces the body’s immunological response.
A student may be excluded from school if signs or symptoms of the following conditions are present:
- Upper respiratory infection, cough and/or sore throat
- Gastrointestinal upset evidenced by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
- Elevated temperature
- Severe pain (including injury)
- Rash or skin eruption
- Head or body lice (if treatment is immediately necessary)
- Ringworm of scalp (tinea capitis)
- Eye infection
- Infectious mononucleosis
Please notify the assistant principal for student services if a physician determines that your student will be unable to attend school for medical reasons, or will be absent on an ongoing intermittent basis. A physician’s statement must be provided before homebound or hospital educational services can begin. Homebound tutoring is arranged between the school, the District 214 licensed tutor, and the parent/guardian. If your student is hospitalized, most hospitals have tutors available, and it is the parents’ responsibility to coordinate assignments between the school and the hospital. If there is no physician restriction on student attendance, the student is not eligible for homebound or hospital instruction. A doctor’s note is required allowing the student to return to school.
For further information regarding attendance procedures, absenteeism, and homebound/hospital instruction, refer to the Township High School District 214 Student and Parent Handbook.