District 214 Vision
The District 214 vision embraces continuous improvement and includes:
A Board of Education that:
- provides high-quality resources for students and staff;
- respects successful programs and practices;
- encourages continual improvement through risk-taking and innovation;
- cooperates and communicates as a partner with parents and the community in the education of students;
- celebrates student and staff success;
- promotes lifelong learning;
- involves school and community members in decision-making processes.
An environment in which people are:
- physically, psychologically and emotionally safe;
- treated fairly and ethically;
- valued for their unique backgrounds and contributions.
Students who demonstrate:
- analytic capabilities;
- communication skills including reading, writing, speaking,
listening and numeracy; - creative expression and educated response to the creative
works of others; - ethical judgment and decision-making ability;
- career- and life-planning skills;
- responsible citizenship;
- understanding of ways to participate in an interdependent world;
- problem-solving skills;
- concern, understanding and respect in social interactions;
- technology literacy;
- ability to develop and maintain wellness.
Staff members who:
- are active, lifelong learners committed to continuing professional and personal development;
- are leaders in instructional practices;
- create schoolwork that engages and challenges students;
- are innovative, take risks and share what is learned from successes and failures;
- are concerned, caring and compassionate;
- cooperate as partners with parents and the community in the education of students;
- use student learning data to inform instructional decisions and practices.