Instructional Goals

  • 1. As measured by the Board-approved College/Career Readiness Indicators, the District will increase student success annually or will exceed a threshold of 80% annually of the students graduating College and Career Ready.

    College Ready Indicators (A or B)*

    Students are College Ready if they meet either the academic or standardized testing benchmarks listed below.

    A) GPA 2.8+ AND One College Ready Course

    • Advanced Placement (AP) Exam (Score of 3 or Higher)
    • AP Course (Grade of A, B, or C)
    • Dual Credit English or Math Course (Grade of A, B, or C)
    • College Transition English or Math Course (Grade of A, B, or C, met Partner Requirements)

    B) College Ready Assessment Benchmarks

    • ACT: English 18, Reading 22, Science 23, Math 22
    • SAT: EBRW 480, Math 530

    Additional Factors that Contribute to College Success: Earning As, Bs, Cs; FAFSA/alternative application; enrollment in career pathway course sequence; college academic advising; participation in college bound bridge programs; senior year math class; completion of a math class after Algebra II.

    Career Ready Indicators (A and B)

    Students are Career Ready if they have identified a career interest and meet two of the behavioral and experiential benchmarks listed below. In addition, students entering the military upon graduation must meet the passing scores on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) for each branch of the military.

    A) Identify a career cluster area

    B) Three Career Readiness Indicators

    • Career Development Experience during high school career
    • Industry Credential at any point in time before graduation
    • Military Service or an ASVAB Score of 31 or Higher during high school career
    • Dual Credit Career Pathway Course (College Credit Earned)
    • 25 Hours of Community Service during high school career
    • Two or More Organized Co-Curricular Activities during high school career
    • Completion of Program of Study before graduation
    • Attaining and Maintaining Consistent Employment for a Minimum of 12 Months during high school
    • Consecutive Summer Employment during high school career
    • 95% Attendance

    2. As measured by the growth from PSAT to SAT, the percent of students meeting or exceeding national growth norms from PSAT to SAT will increase annually or will exceed a threshold established by the Board after two years of data are collected and analyzed.*

    *Due to COVID, the Class of 2025 is the first cohort that can be analyzed regarding one-year growth norms.