Bullying and Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice in Schools
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pYuA3o6WuUThe Little Book of Restorative Discipline for Schools: Teaching Responsibility; Creating Caring Climates (The Little Books of Justice and Peace building Series)
Can an overworked teacher possibly turn an unruly incident with students into an opportunity for learning, growth, and community building? If restorative justice has been able to salvage lives within the world of criminal behavior, why shouldn't its principles be applied in school classrooms and cafeterias? Topics include: the role of discipline and punishment, class meetings, characteristics of peaceable school, bullying, etc.IL Balance and Restorative Justice (IBARJ)
All you need to know about Restorative justice including resources, school trainings, community training, and technical support
https://ibarj.org/IL Institute for restorative practices
Restorative practices overview, support, courses, resources
Documentary and Guide to the movie
https://dochub.com/svetlanafastovskaya/gDqeQZ6VzDBPbDLR0jLO4Y/a-guide-to-the-film-bully-0-pdf?pg=5Love is Respect week - National campaign during V-Day
All school campaign
https://www.loveisrespect.org/ANTI-Bullying Resources
https://www.antibullyingpro.com/resourcesDistric 214 Handbook
https://www.stopbullying.gov/resources/get-help-nowNational Bullying prevention (Pacer.org)