• If you are the parent or legal guardian of an English learner, you are invited to participate in the District 214 Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC). The committee consists of parents, district staff, and other interested community members.

    Our activities include the following:

    • Review the district's planning for the EL program each school year.
    • Provide information related to instructional approaches and methods used in our TPI/TBE programs.
    • Discuss the types of assessments that students take and results of such assessments.
    • Support the academic achievement of EL students by attending workshops, conferences and other events for bilingual parents.
    • Meet to plan parent evenings.

    The contact person for additional information about BPAC is the District's Director for the English Learner Program, Veronica Gott at veronica.gott@d214.org or call 847-718-7501.

    Click below to view our latest BPAC meeting invitation.
