
  • The consistent use of District 214 Red reinforces our high school district’s image and personality with our students, staff, alumni and community.

    District 214 Red (Pantone® Matching System 200) reflects our energy and youth. It symbolizes action, confidence, courage, and change. Even though red is the only color not used in any of our current schools color palettes, red was the primary color of Arlington High School, the first school in our District.

    Color Values

    District 214 Red (Pantone® 200) color formulas follow.

    Always match color to the solid Pantone® 200 color. The various color models (RGB, CMYK and Hex) are based on specific criteria and can change. The color can display differently from device to device and on different media and material.

    Solid: PMS 200 C
    RGB: 186 12 47
    CMYK: 3 100 70 12
    HEX: #ba0c2f

    Secondary Colors

    255 255 255
    CMYK: 0 0 0 0
    HEX: #ffffff

    RGB: 0 0 0
    CMYK: 0 0 0 100
    HEX: #000000

    For digital use, pure black (#000000) is not always recommended for backgrounds or text. Pure black can overpower and can be straining on the eye on digital devices. Using a slightly lighter black (80% or 90%) can reduce eye-strain and strengthen reading stamina.

    Black (90 K)
    RGB: 25 25 25
    CMYK: 0 0 0 90
    HEX: #191919

    Black (80 K)
    RGB: 51 51 51
    CMYK: 0 0 0 80
    HEX: #333333

    Using grays in our communications and marketing materials support our primary and secondary colors. The grayscale below shows different shades of gray based on 100% neutral black. The highest level of gray is black and the lightest shade is white.

  • District 214 Red (Pantone® Matching System 200)