
  • Students in this pathway take four pathway courses: Introduction to Health Careers, Medical Terminology, College Nursing Assistant Training and Medical Science Academy. In addition, they can earn a State of Illinois Certified Nursing Assistant certificate from the high school and can take one of two capstone courses focused on health science – Medical Science Academy and Middle College.

    Medical Academy

    Through Medical Academy, seniors can observe professionals at local hospitals, participate in work-based learning experiences and explore topics such as anatomy, physiology and organic chemistry to prepare for careers in health science. 

    This is an advanced course open to highly motivated District 214 seniors who are seriously interested in a career in medicine and ready for college-level coursework. As part of this class, students can: 

    • ƒTake dual credit courses – College Human Anatomy and College Human Physiology – at Harper College 
    • Complete independent research related to medicine and health
    • Job shadow
    • Participate in a health-related internship 

    The course requires a 150-minute daily commitment, including travel to internship sites, and is taught at a single building within the district.

    Work Based Learning Experiences in Pre-Medicine

    Student interns have completed a variety of tasks in the Pre-Medicine  field, including, but not limited to:

    • Perform entry level tasks, such as compiling and maintaining records for medical professionals
    • Assist in the sterilization and cleanliness of medical facilities and equipment
    • With patient consent, observe and discuss medical related procedures and tests under the supervision of a medical professional

Four Year Academic Plan