Harper Promise Scholarship program
Under the Harper College Promise Scholarship Program, every eligible public high school student in Harper's district can earn up to two years of tuition at Harper College if they maintain solid grades, have good attendance, don't repeat classes, graduate on time and provide service to their community.
All freshmen are encouraged to sign up for Harper Promise for two simple reasons:
- Students will have the option to attend two years of Harper College tuition free, an option that they can later choose whether or not to accept.
- Meeting or exceeding the minimum eligibility requirements will help students no matter what they choose to do after high school and make it easier to attract other scholarships.
View this important flyer for high school class of 2025 and beyond:
For even more details, visit the Harper College Promise Scholarship Program website today.
Registration and Recommitment
Freshmen are enrolled automatically during school registration.
In the case of a transfer student, they can enroll by completing the paper application and returning it to the College and Career Center (CCC) on or before December 15.
The program starts in the second semester of a student’s freshman year. Completing and entering community service hours will not start until January 8, 2025.
Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors must recommit each year.
Students must recommit annually using the Harper Promise Recommit form between August 15 and September 15.
Community Service
Check this link to find up-to-date community service opportunities.
Enter community service hours using Infinite Campus (IC). Look below for those instructions. Students are encouraged to enter hours throughout the year as they earn them. Community service hours can be unique and individualized, but the service needs to benefit someone outside of the student's home. Both www.volunteermatch.org and Community Service During COVID-19 provide options for you to consider, but students are not required to use these sites. Be sure to look at your school web page for serving opportunities at your school.
Log into IC
Scroll down to Message Center (below Home)
Click Surveys
- Enter information in the following fields
- Click Complete
- Verify that the hours were tracked by checking your Harper Promise tab the following day to see if the hours have been added
- More detailed instructions can be found here
Students are notified in August if they meet the criteria to continue in the program. Students dropped from the program may appeal if they do not meet criteria because of extraordinary circumstances.
Go to Harper Promise Appeal to access the appeal form.
For other information or questions, including service hours and attendance, email harperpromise@d214.org or call Jackie Martino at 847-718-7734.
Updated Aug 2024