Math and Science
JHHS offers comprehensive Math and Science programs that prepare students for their future educational and career pathways. Course offerings and instructional strategies provide opportunities for students to develop critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills while mastering content relevant to both theoretical and applied settings.
Course Information
Students must pass three years of math courses to meet the Illinois State Board of Education graduation requirement, though most JHHS students opt to take a four-year sequence to meet college admissions standards. One year must be Algebra and another year must cover Geometry topics. Many students start with Algebra as freshmen, move on to Geometry their sophomore year, and take Algebra II as juniors. Students who have successfully completed Algebra in middle school start with Geometry, then take Algebra II as a sophomore, and Pre-Calculus during their junior year. Senior year students may enroll in a variety of elective offerings from dual-credit College Math, College Algebra, and College Statistics to Advanced Placement Calculus and Statistics. Students also have the opportunity to take College Calculus 3 and Differential Equations for dual credit. Please see the District 214 Academic Handbook for further descriptions and any prerequisites.
Students must pass at least two years of Science courses to meet graduation requirements, though many colleges require three years of science. Freshmen start with Biology and then move on to Chemistry as sophomores before taking Physics as juniors. Senior year is open for students to choose from a range of electives, including Human Physiology, as well as Advanced Placement Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science and Physics. Students are encouraged to enroll in the elective course offerings in our Health Science Career Pathway as early as Freshman year. These courses include Introduction to Health Careers I, Introduction to Health Careers II, College Medical Terminology, and the Certified Nursing Assistant course. Please see the District 214 Academic Handbook for further descriptions and any prerequisites.
Illinois has adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). District 214 teachers are developing and implementing instructional strategies that prepare students to be scientifically-informed citizens. Information on NGSS can be found at For a quick glance at the implications for science classes, please see the New Vision for Science Education chart.
Calculator Information
All JHHS students are strongly recommended to have a graphing calculator to use throughout their high school mathematics sequence. The TI-84 Plus (also available with a color screen) is the recommended calculator for all mathematics courses. The TI-84 Plus series of calculators are approved for use on the PSAT, SAT, and ACT® college entrance exams, as well as AP Exams that allow, or require, a graphing calculator.
If you already own a graphing calculator, there is no need to purchase a new one. If you are purchasing a graphing calculator, please purchase one of the TI-84 models.
For information on the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator, go to
For information on the TI-84 Plus CE (color) graphing calculator, go to
*Please note: The color version of this calculator (TI-84 Plus CE) runs on rechargeable batteries provided with the calculator. We have found that the battery charge does not last very long on these calculators. We recommend purchasing the non-color version in order to prevent any battery failure issues during class or testing.
TI Calculator Help
If your calculator is not working properly or is damaged, call Texas Instrument Customer Service at 1-800-TI-CARES (1-800-842-2737). For customer support regarding your calculator, you can contact Texas Instruments. This support includes repair, operation, and educational uses.
Math/Science Support
If you're looking for help in your Math or Science class, you've come to the right place! Here is how to get started.
1. Seek help from your teacher.
To find out when they are available to meet, please ask your teacher. Many teachers list their available times on their syllabus or Schoology.
2. Visit the tutoring center in the Academic Resource Center (ARC).
A math teacher, science teacher and student tutors are available to assist you during periods 1-8. Check in with the Tutor Coordinator and she will be able to assist you in finding support. If your teacher is not available during your lunch period or study hall, do not worry. Sometimes, working with a different instructor gives you an alternative way of looking at the material that may be really helpful.
3. Take advantage of these additional online resources:
Math Resources
Science Resources
Parent Tips - What can I do to help my child?
- If you have a concern about your student’s progress, please work directly with their math or science teacher. The JHHS Math and Science faculty wants your child to have a successful experience.
- Please encourage your student to get help from their teacher when they have questions before they fall behind. If they are working at home, you can help your student by asking questions like these:
- What materials do you have available that might help you? Have you seen a similar problem in your notes? How might you begin? What do you know from what is given? What do you need to find out? How can you organize your information? Can you make a drawing of the problem? What do you need to do next? Is your solution reasonable? Can you convince me that your solution makes sense? Have you answered the question posed?
- In many classes, students are allowed to keep their skill checks or quizzes. These are wonderful study tools and allow parents to see what the expectations of the class are. They also allow parents to observe areas where students excel and areas that they need to improve. Students are not allowed to bring home unit tests or semester exams. Please contact the teacher if you have questions about them.
- Stanford News Article: Embrace the Struggle
Math/Science Introduction
Math and Science Contacts
Dawn Francis
Division Head
847-718-4922Shannon Tryba
Division Assistant
847-718-4923Staff Directory