Deans Office
The philosophy of the Deans Office is to cultivate a safe, orderly, and effective environment that promotes mutual respect and encourages citizenship in order to enhance students’ academic success and prepare them to be responsible, contributing members of society. This is in conjunction with the goal of facilitating the development, articulation, and implementation of a health curriculum which supports learning that is shared and supported by the school community.
Community Resources
Below are links to social service agencies and police departments that serve the students at Rolling Meadows High School.
Social Service Agencies:Related:
Detention Policy
After-school detentions are Monday through Thursday in A107 from 3:15 to 4:00 PM.
Saturday detentions are once a month from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm in A107 and run on the following dates:
October 19th
November 16th
December 14
February 8th
March 8th
April 26th
May 3rdFor Saturday detentions, students should meet security personnel in the Main Office Foyer no later than 8:30 a.m. If they are late, they will not be admitted, and they will earn a day of In-School Suspension.
Saturday detention can be earned for repeated minor incidents or a major violation of school rules. Please refer to the student handbook.
Failure to serve a Saturday Detention, coming late, or displaying unacceptable behavior during the Saturday detention, will result in the student being asked to leave and either an In-School or Out-of-School Suspension being assigned. Students who are employed must make arrangements with their employer to serve their Saturday detentions. Extracurricular commitments are not valid excuses for missing an assigned Saturday detention.
Electronic Device Policy
Electronic Signaling Devices
Students may not use or possess electronic signaling (paging) devices or two-way radios on school property at any time, unless the building principal specifically grants permission.
Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices
The possession and use of cell phones and other electronic devices, other than paging devices and two-way radios, are subject to the following protocols:
- They may not be used in any manner that will cause disruption to the educational environment or will otherwise violate student conduct rules.
- They remain in the “off” position and stored in a locker, backpack, purse, pocket, or other place where they are not visible during a regularly scheduled school day. A “regularly scheduled school day” is defined as the moment a student arrives on school grounds during a day school is in session until the last class has ended for all students.
- Buildings may designate specific areas in the school where cell phones and other electronic devices, other than paging devices and two-way radios, may be used during times other than a student’s instructional schedule during a regularly scheduled school day.
- Students shall be personally responsible for the security of their cell phone or other electronic devices. The district assumes no responsibility for theft, loss, or damage of such devices.
- Students who fail to comply with the policy and procedures regarding the possession and use of cell phones and other electronic devices, other than paging devices and two-way radios, shall be subject to the following set of consequences:
- First Violation – The staff member will write a referral and the phone will be turned into the dean’s office. The dean or designee will meet with the student and the phone will be returned at the end of the school day.
- Second Violation – The staff member will write a referral and the phone will be turned into the dean’s office. The dean or designee will conduct a parent/guardian conference. The phone will not be returned until the parent/guardian meets with the dean or designee.
- Subsequent Violations – A referral will be written and alternative disciplinary action, including but not limited to the loss of privileges and the assignment of detentions may be imposed when deemed appropriate by the administration.
Students who fail to comply with the policy regarding paging devices and two-way radios will be disciplined according to the district’s standard discipline policy and/or referred to law enforcement agencies, where appropriate. Consequences for violating the Academic Integrity Policy are separate from, and in addition to, those assigned with violating the Electronic Devices Policy and Procedures.
Consequences leading up to and including suspension and expulsion will be considered for students using any electronic device, including a cell phone, personal digital assistant (PDA), or any other electronic device to take or transmit audio recordings or digital photographic images, pictures, or movies of an individual or individuals without their consent anywhere on school grounds or during a school-related activity.
Illinois Criminal Code (720 ILCS 5/260-4): It is unlawful for any person to knowingly videotape, photograph, or film another person without that person’s consent in locker rooms, changing rooms, restrooms, etc. Standard disciplinary procedures will apply.
Visitors Policy
The following definitions apply to this policy:
- School property - School buildings and grounds, all District buildings and grounds, vehicles used for school purposes, and any location used for a Board of Education meeting, school athletic event, or other school-sponsored event.
- Visitor - Any person other than an enrolled student or employee.
During the school day:
- All visitors to school property are required to report to the security checkpoint and receive permission to remain on school property.
- Visitors must sign a visitors’ log, show identification, and wear a visitor’s badge.
- Persons on school property without permission will be directed to leave and may be subject to criminal prosecution.
- Except as provided in the next paragraph, any person wishing to confer with a staff member should contact that staff member by telephone or email to arrange an appointment.
Requests to access a school building, facility, and/or educational program, or to interview personnel or a student for purposes of assessing the student’s special education needs, should be made at the appropriate building. Access shall be facilitated according to guidelines from the Superintendent or designee.
The School District expects mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among all people on school property or at a school event. For more information reference Board Policy (8:30).
For the safety of our students and staff and in accordance with state law, all visitors must sign in at the security desk and obtain a visitor’s pass. A credential exchange is also required.
Students who are enrolled in district alternative programs must receive prior administrative approval before visiting the home school or campus school during the school day and are not permitted to visit other district campuses without prior administrative approval.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can my student have one of their friends or family members shadow them?
A: No, shadowing opportunities are not allowed. Rolling Meadows High School has developed specific shadow days for this purpose. Please contact the Student Services Department for more information at 847-718-5602.
Q: Can a student receive a temporary parking pass?
A: Possibly. Temporary parking passes cost $5 per day and are permitted on a limited basis. Please contact the office of Student Success, Safety, and Wellness to verify availability.
Q: Can a junior receive a parking pass for both semesters?
A: Yes, unless the senior class purchases all of the parking spaces.
Q: What happens if I illegally park in the lot? (Park without a pass)
A: Any vehicle can be subjected to being towed at the owner's expense. Cars can then be reclaimed at Northwest Towing Company. They can be reached at 847-255-7360.
Q: Can my vehicle be searched while in the parking lot?
A: School authorities may inspect and search property and equipment owned or controlled by the school (parking lots) as well as personal effects left there by a student without notice to or the consent of the student. Students have no expectations of privacy in these places or areas or for their personal effects left there.
Board Policy 7:140--Search and Seizure
Fernando Gonzalez
847-718-5605Omar Alebiosu
84-718-5604Michael McGreevy
847-718-5606Mike Soto
Police Liaison
847-718-5774Sean Edgar
Police Liaison