• The Grenadier Athletic Boosters (GAB) is an organization of members from the Elk Grove High School community whose contributions, through volunteering and raising funds, support the needs of our athletic teams and programs.
    Our meetings are held at EGHS on the first Tuesday of each month at 5:45pm in the Foyer Conference room throughout the school year.  Members do not need to attend meetings, but we ask that you support our student athletes by wearing green and gold at competitive events.  
    Raising funds is an essential part of athletic programs.  We hope you will join us at the following events:

    ·      Trivia Night Fundraiser: Saturday, November 16th, 7-10pm at the EGV VFW

    ·      Bingo Fundraiser: Saturday, March 1st, 7-10pm at the EGV VFW

    For additional information, please email: eghsgab@gmail.com or visit our website at: https://sites.google.com/view/genadieraltheticboosters/home?authuser=1

    To become a member, please use the link:

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