Elk Grove High School offers dozens of clubs and activities for students that span a range of categories. Click the links below to go directly to a particular section.
Academic - Competitive
Sponsor: Peter Wang (peter.wang@d214.org)
Chess team helps students learn the rules and skills necessary to be a chess player. Teams compete in the North Suburban Chess League, the MSL Chess Tournament, as well as in the IHSA State Chess Tournament. -
Chicano College Bowl
Sponsor: Dean Burrier Sanchis (dean.burriersanchis@d214.org)
College Chicano Bowl is a club for any student interested in learning the history of the Chicano movement. The club will meet once a month in the first semester then bi-monthly 2nd semester in preparation for a spring scholastic bowl-like competition with other area schools. The mission of the CCB is to celebrate and recognize our role as keepers of our common history and develop our role as activists in our common future. -
Debate Team
Sponsor: Matt Bohnenkamp (matthew.bohnenkamp@d214.org)
The Elk Grove Debate Team participates in Congressional Debate, simulating the format and considering the issues of the United States Congress. The debate season runs from September through April. Practices are held twice per week on Mondays and Wednesdays after school and competitions are held on Saturdays once per month. Click here to learn more about the club and why you should join debate. -
DECA (An Association of Marketing Students)
Sponsor: Scott Plaza (scott.plaza@d214.org)
Interested in learning about business, marketing, management, finance and or entrepreneurship? If you said yes to one these questions or want to learn more about business – join DECA. DECA is a co-curricular, student-centered business organization specifically designed to provide activities that will motivate students to learn marketing competencies that will prepare them to become skilled, employable workers in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship, and marketing related careers. -
Math Team
Sponsor: Persida Bujdei, (persida.bujdei@d214.org)
Math team gives students who enjoy and excel in mathematics an opportunity to explore math topics that extend beyond the curriculum taught in the classroom. The team competes in the North Suburban Math League and in state competitions. All students are welcomed. -
Robotics Club
Sponsors: Patrick McGing (patrick.mcging@d214.org)
The EGHS Robotics Club is a year-long club that competes with various high schools in the area. The idea of the robotics club is to promote career related skills through hands on experiences. Students are exposed to numerous skills related to engineering including: design, manufacturing, reverse engineering, electronics and programming. EGHS robotics club builds and competes with 4 robots in the district competition. A formal structured process is followed to complete each robot: brainstorming, rough sketches, digital designs, prototypes, and finally a completed version. Students are required to follow several constraints: each robot must be under a set weight limit, safety regulations, electronic guidelines, weapon constraints, and the use similar components. Previous weapons engineered by students have been “drum bots”, “flipper bots”, “spinner bots” and a simple “wedge bot”; however, as design constraints are met, any variation of robot is considered as a possibility. -
Scholastic Bowl
Sponsor: Laura Dubnicka and Anthony Furman (laura.dubnicka@d214.org and anthony.furman@d214.org)
Scholastic Bowl is an IHSA competitive academic team at the frosh/soph and varsity levels. The competition involves two teams of five students who attempt to answer trivia questions from various academic areas: math, science, social sciences, history, literature, fine arts, and miscellaneous. The season typically runs from November to March, with the regular season starting in January. -
Speech Team (Individual Events)
Bonnie Kale (bonnie.kale@d214.org)
IE Speech is an IHSA competitive performance activity that includes performing scenes from plays, reading stories and poems, and delivering speeches about important or interesting topics. Speech is a winter activity with tryouts in the fall and running from November through the middle of February. We have weekly meetings on Mondays and the tournaments take place on Saturdays when we are in season. No performing experience is necessary to join. Speech team is open to all students.
Dance Team (Competitive
Sponsor: Maggie McEnery (maggie.mcenery4@gmail.com)
Competitive dance gives students a chance to compete with other dance teams at the IHSA level. It encourages students to work together to perform challenging routines and also spreads school spirit! Practices are held 2 days a week after school and the team competes from November through February.
Athletic Trainer Student Aide Program
Sponsor: Irving Gonzalez (irving.gonzalez@d214.org)
The Athletic Training Student Aide program is an opportunity for students to get hands-on experience working in healthcare. The Athletic Training Student Aides assist the licensed athletic training staff in the day-to-day operations of Elk Grove High School's athletic training department. Athletic Training Student Aides will learn and apply various healthcare concepts and skills. These concepts and skills include: first aid, taping techniques, rehabilitation techniques, anatomy and physiology, injury recognition and management, healthcare administration and others.
Bass Fishing
Sponsor: Alex Sanchez (alexander.sanchez@d214.org) & Matt Snow (matt.snow@d214.org)
In 2009 bass fishing became an IHSA sanctioned activity. The Elk Grove High School club meets to go fishing and learn successful techniques. The outings and informative meetings are designed to prepare students to compete in local bass fishing tournaments, as well as the IHSA tournament in the Spring. The club is open to all students interested in fishing.
Cheerleading (Competitive)
Sponsor: Shannon Evans (shannon.evans06@gmail.com)
The Elk Grove cheerleaders work hard to promote school spirit and crowd involvement at various athletic events and other school functions. Additionally, the Varsity cheerleading squad competes at local, IHSA Sectional and State competitions.
Sponsor: Samir Chaudhari (samir.chaudhari@d214.org)
The Cricket team is organized as a club sport and welcomes any student who is willing to learn this exciting international sport as well as compete against teams from other schools. Spring is the official season for competitive play; however, practices or free-plays may also be held during the fall and winter based on facility availability. In addition to building cricket and athletic skills, we stress sportsmanlike conduct, academic achievement, and a positive attitude.
E-Sports Club
Sponsor: Joseph Whalen (joseph.whalen@d214.org)
E-Sports Club involves playing competitive video games in a team format. Currently, IHSA is supporting Rocket League, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, FIFA23 & NBA2K More games will possibly be added in the future. This club is open to all interested students and meets every Monday after school with competitions held on Wednesdays.
Grenadettes Dance
Sponsor: Maggie McEnery (maggie.mcenery4@gmail.com)
Grenadettes Dance Club gives students the opportunity to explore and share their love of dance. The team meets twice a week after school to practice choreographed routines that are then performed at football and basketball games during the half-time show. If you love to dance, want to make some new friends and have fun come see us in the Fall.
Fine/Performing Arts
Art Club
Sponsor: Jennifer Aguilar-Iannotti (jennifer.aguila@d214.org)
Art Club offers students opportunities to explore their own creativity and improve their art practice. Students can choose the materials and media they would like to work with and are encouraged to share their work with the club. Art Club is open to all students and meets every Tuesday in room 177.
Band (Jazz, Marching)
Sponsor - Ron Fiorito (ron.fiorito@d214.org)
Elk Grove has a longstanding tradition of excellence in performance. The band program consists of two concert bands, two jazz bands, two jazz combos, competitive marching band and color guard, pep band, and small ensembles. The Elk Grove High School music department hosts a Percussion Festival every year in March. Click here to visit the band website and learn more. -
Sponsor: Keshena Cisneros-Lukett (keshena.cisnerosluck@d214.org)
Elk Grove curricular choirs include Men's Choir, Women's Choir, Treble Choir, Concert Choir, and Mint Condition Vocal Jazz. Co-curricular ensembles include Chamber Singers, Women's Chamber Ensemble, Co-ed A cappella, and female a cappella.
Color Guard (Flags)
Sponsor: Nicole Fiorito (egcolorguard@d214.org)
Color Guard members use a variety of flag equipment, dance choreography, and drill maneuvers in routines that are performed with the marching band and at various events, parades, and competitions.
Drama Productions
Musical - Joseph Wolfe (joseph.wolfe@d214.org)
One Acts Plays - Bonnie Kale (bonnie.kale@d214.org)
Theater Tech Crew - Brad Kahler (brad.kahler@d214.org)
Variety Show - Ron Fiorito (ron.fiorito@d214.org)
Winter Play - Miguel Sanchez (miguel.sanchez@ood.d214.org)
Our dramatic arts activities are open to students at all grade levels who are interested in furthering their participation in theater. Elk Grove High School students produce a full play, a musical, and a series of one-act plays each academic year, giving students the opportunity to learn more about acting, vocal performance, set design, and all that goes into modern theater.
Drama Productions; Variety Show
Sponsor: Ron Fiorito (ron.fiorito@d214.org)
Rich with traditions and exciting opportunities, the Variety Show features auditioned talent acts from all corners of the EGHS community. The Variety Show is produced and directed by a team of students, in partnership with their sponsors.
Orchesis Performance
Sponsor: Lisette Rodriguez (lisette.rodrigu@d214.org)
Orchesis is a performing group that encourages all forms of dance including ballet, jazz, hip-hop, modern, breakdancing, lyrical, tap, character, multicultural, choreography, etc. Orchesis is a co-curricular activity that involves a variety of performance opportunities. The team also focuses on exploring, creating and producing dance as an art form.
Sponsor: Maura Brown (maura.brown@d214.org)
Elk Grove offers a number of orchestra opportunities for students, including concert, symphony, honors chamber orchestra, pit orchestra, and the District 214 honors symphony. Click here to visit the EGHS orchestra website and learn more.
Variety Show
Sponsor: Ron Fiorito/Miguel Sanchez (ron.fiorito@d214.org)
Rich with traditions and exciting opportunities, the Variety Show features auditioned talent acts from all corners of the EGHS community. The Variety Show is produced and directed by a team of students, in partnership with their sponsors. -
Winter Guard
Sponsor: Nicole Fiorito (egcolorguard@d214.org)
Winter Color Guard is a group that performs at numerous basketball games and TDI competitions. A variety of flag twirling and dance skills are incorporated. The season runs from November through March.
Student Support
Best Buddies
Sponsor: Marla Carson (marla.carson@d214.org)
Best Buddies is an international organization that promotes friendships between typical functioning students and students with disabilities. It is open to all students. The club meets as a group at least once a month. Activities promote friendships and socialization. People can join the club throughout the year. -
Gay-Straight Alliance
Sponsor: Cindy Pacyk and Allisha Komala (cindy.pacyk@d214.org and allisha.komala@d214.org)
The Gay-Straight Alliance at Elk Grove High School exists for the purpose of promoting acceptance of all people regardless of their sexual orientation. The intent is to create a safe environment for all students. At our meetings, we will discuss issues concerning Straight and Gay unity in our school and community. At GSA, members are not expected to divulge their sexual orientation. Click here to learn more about the club and its upcoming activities. -
Student Ambassadors
Sponsor: Deb Ohler (debra.ohler@d214.org)
The focus of Student Ambassadors is to help transfer and freshmen students transition to Elk Grove High School. Many students transfer throughout each school year from other cities, states, and countries. These students often do not know any students prior to coming to EG and need help navigating a new school, as well as making connections to students and staff. The best way to help new students is to get them connected to EGHS students, staff, and activities. Student Ambassadors are an integral part of that process as they will be one of the first contacts new students will make at school. We are looking for students who are sophomores, juniors and seniors who have a genuine interest in helping others and who will be committed to attending Student Ambassador meetings and activities.
Newspaper (Guardian)
Sponsor: Kevin Modelski (kevin.modelski@d214.org)
The Guardian is the official news source of Elk Grove High School. Staff members write articles, edit stories, take photos and manage a website as well as organizing, budgeting and planning each monthly edition. Click here to visit The Guardian's website. -
Write-On Club
Sponsor: Mary Larson (mary.larson@d214.org)
Write-On Club is the creative writing after-school activity for creative writers of all types. We meet 2-3 times per month after school to write, share all types of writing (poetry, prose, novels, songs) and make new friends who are also creative and clever. We host the poetry slams where poets compete for prizes and all enjoy snacks. We share opportunities for publication in school, local, national and international contests and publications. Some of our student members are selected for publication in the district's Arts Unlimited booklet. Students may join the creative writing club any time. -
Yearbook (Montage)
Sponsor: Mollie O'Connor (mollie.oconnor@d214.org)
Yearbook is a journalism class in which students do the graphic design, photography, interviewing, writing, editing, and marketing of the school yearbook, which they create from cover to end sheet. They learn photography techniques, journalistic writing, photo journalism, and online graphic design programs, while working as a team to create a real product that captures the school's year. Meets daily as a class, occasional nights and weekends. Earns an elective English credit.
Academic - Noncompetitive
Anime Club
Sponsor: Ryan Christie (ryan.christie@d214.org)
The EGHS Anime Club is for anyone interested in Anime and Japanese culture. We watch movies, shows, and web shorts. Some of our recent favorites have been Demon Slayer, Princess Mononoke, and One Punch Man. All anime are shown with the original Japanese dubbing and English subtitles. You do not have to be in Japanese class to be a member. This activity meets weekly. Disclaimer: The EGHS Anime Club might also be a secret band of ninjas.
Art Club
Sponsor: Jennifer Aguilar-Iannotti (jennifer.aguila@d214.org)
Art Club offers students opportunities to explore their own creativity and improve their art practice. Students can choose the materials and media they would like to work with and are encouraged to share their work with the club. Art Club is open to all students and meets every Tuesday in room 177.
Dungeons & Dragons Club
Sponsor: Ryan Christie (ryan.christie@d214.org)
The EGHS Dungeons and Dragons Club is for students interested in playing tabletop role-playing games, collaboratively telling stories, building worlds, and having fun. This club meets weekly. Beholders beware
French Club
Sponsor: Kirsten Fletcher (kirsten.fletcher@d214.org)
French Club is open to all students who are interested in French culture and want to explore it further. We meet most Wednesdays after school and activities include: card games, pétanque, music, cultural food, cooking, movies, and more. Students do NOT have to study or speak French in order to participate in French Club.
French National Honor Society
Sponsor: Ms. Effie Kalkounos (effie.kalkounos@d214.org)
Graphic Design Club
Sponsor: Jay Whalen (joseph.whalen@d214.org)
Graphic Design Club is open lab time for graphic arts students to come in and work on personal projects and designs. It's a time for students to expand and apply their knowledge of the Adobe Suite.
Hack Club (Girls Who Code)
Sponsor: Kristen Fisher (kristen.fisher@d214.org)
Italian Club
Sponsor: Anna Izzo (anna.izzo@d214.org)
Italian club provides students with an extra opportunity once or twice a month to explore the beautiful Italian culture. In this club we watch movies, try foods, listen to music, and play games. All are welcome to join!
Italian National Honor Society
Sponsor: Ms. Effie Kalkounos (effie.kalkounos@d214.org)
National Honor Society
Sponsor: Scott Deutsch (scott.deutsch@d214.org)
This is an honorary organization for junior and senior students who demonstrate outstanding qualities in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
Sponsor: Wayne Beyer, Wheeling HS (wayne.beyer@d214.org)
NJROTC is a course in leadership, teamwork and citizenship, using studies about the Navy as a common core. Students take the course as an elective and receive a grade that counts toward graduation and their GPA. Only the academic class and a few unit activities are mandatory, but cadets are highly encouraged to participate in the unit's 'extra-curricular' field trips, teams, and events. Click here to visit the NJROTC website and learn more.
Science Club
Sponsor: Eleanor Park (eleanor.park@d214.org)
Science Club is a place for all students to drop in and explore different science topics, projects, or make-and-takes that often aren't offered in the classroom curriculum. The club typically meets every other Tuesday after school. Come ready to be curious, do hands-on experiments, and have fun!
Shakespeare Club
Sponsor: Rita Thompson (rita.thompson@d214.org)
Shakespeare Club is devoted to exploring Shakespeare's plays and seeing them performed in area theaters. Shakespeare Club's main event is competing in the Chicago Shakespeare Slam, a regional competition where we perform scenes from his plays.
Spanish Club
Sponsor: Pamela Cote (pamela.cote@d214.org)
Spanish Club is a place to learn about Hispanic culture, language, music, food, holidays, games, songs, arts and crafts. We also participate in community activities that create a bond with our surrounding towns of Des Plaines and Elk Grove Village. We meet every two weeks in general, but maybe more at various times of the year. We go on field trips to restaurants, grocery stores, Christmas tree decorating in Des Plaines, Kindercare, Elk Grove nursing homes and other cultural sites.
Spanish National Honor Society
Sponsor: Ms. Effie Kalkounos (effie.kalkounos@d214.org)
Young Blacks United
Sponsors: Brian Lee (brian.lee@d214.org)
This club focuses on African American culture and history. The meetings promote cultural awareness and the connection between African American and other world cultures. Discussions also include current events, social skills needed for success, and college admission information. All students are welcome.
Estudiantes Unidos
Sponsor: Ricardo Castro (ricardo.castro@d214.org)
Estudiantes Unidos is a club that focuses on serving the community throughout the year. To begin, our club mentors Grove Junior High students from September to April by meeting with them twice a month. Throughout the school year we also serve EGHS and the community by serving the elderly, supporting community events, and administering school dances. Lastly, we come together during the summer to administer community camps at the Oasis Mobile Park for K-5th graders. Our goal is to develop leadership skills in our members by focusing on relationships and responsibility. -
Folkloric Dance Club
Sponsor: Abi Diaz (absai.diaz@d214.org)
Folkloric Dance Club gives students the opportunity to stay connected with their roots and traditions. We challenge every student and help them develop character and self-confidence. We teach leadership skills as well as kindness and respect. Everyone gets to enjoy dancing while developing new friendships and self-love. -
Japanese Exchange Program
Sponsor: Ryan Christie (ryan.christie@d214.org)
The Elk Grove High School Japanese Exchange Program allows participants an invaluable opportunity to experience home and school life in another country and make close friends from a different cultural background. Students do NOT need to be in Japanese classes to participate. Students can take part in the exchange program even if they are in sports or other activities. Click here to learn more. -
(See also:Â French Club, Italian Club, Spanish Club)
Auto Club
Sponsor: Jeff Zdenovec (jeffrey.zdenove@d214.org)
Auto Club offers a place for students to go after school to hang out, work on cars, and tell stories about automotive issues. Whether you plan on going into the industry or just love cars and working on them, this club welcomes all.
H.O.S.A. (Health Opportunities for Students Association)
Sponsor: Steve Gordon (steve.gordon@d214.org)
HOSA is a national organization that provides educational opportunities for students to learn various healthcare topics and test their knowledge and skills against other HOSA students in Illinois. EGHS students have participated in many events, including Medical Math, Medical Reading, Mental Health, Medical Terminology, Public Service Announcements, and CPR and EMT team competitions. Healthcare careers and scientific concepts related to healthcare are also discussed in club meetings. HOSA Club is open to all students who are interested in healthcare careers
Health Careers Club
Sponsor: Caryn Blanke (caryn.blanke@d214.org)
The Health Careers club works to connect students interested in health careers. We also participate in community events and fundraisers such as Bike to School Day, RED OUT for the American Heart Association, and Feed My Starving Children. If interested, see Mrs. Blanke or Mrs. Glosson.
Mock Trial
Sponsor: Rita Thompson (rita.thompson@d214.org)
Mock Trial is a competitive team open to any students who are interested in the trial process. Students play the roles of witnesses and attorneys in trials against other schools. Students who enjoy acting, can memorize lines, and who like to persuade others should consider joining. Mock Trial begins preparing in the fall, but most of the work occurs in November, December, and January. Students meet two days a week to work on the case.
Sponsor: Jeff Zdenovec (jeffrey.zdenove@d214.org)
SkillsUSA is a national organization that is based around preparing students for the world of work as it relates to the career and technical education (CTE) areas. Although SkillsUSA offers over 90 competitions around skill-based training, EGHS has traditionally had students participate in the Automotive, Machining/Manufacturing, and Culinary areas. SkillsUSA offers the opportunity for students to compete at the local, state, and national levels in which students demonstrate occupational and leadership skills. SkillsUSA members are leaders, and Champions at Work!
Class Board
Sponsors: Sara Kachanski (sara.kachanski@d214.org) (Freshmen), Tom Walloch (Sophomores), Tom Boczar (Juniors), Anthony Furman (Seniors)
This activity offers the opportunity to represent your peers on the EGHS Student Council. Class Board members plan and organize class-sponsored dances and events throughout the school year.
EG Fierce
Sponsor: Kristen Lesniak (kristen.lesniak@d214.org)
The mission of EG FIERCE is to build a community of empowered young women who strive to reach their own potential and that of their peers. In order to support the development of strong, confident women, we focus on topics such as Building Healthy Relationships, Mindfulness, Confidence, & Gender Equity. EG FIERCE meets once a month after school and is open to all girls in grades 10-12. -
Green Grens Environmental Club
Sponsor: Steve Gordon (steve.gordon@d214.org)
The Green Grens Environmental Club provides an opportunity for students to facilitate environmental awareness, interaction, cooperation, and action. This activity is open to all interested students. -
Mastery Lab Tutors
Sponsor: Leilani Hernandez (leilani.hernandez@d214.org)
The Mastery Lab is our tutoring center where students can get academic support from both student tutors and staff members in a friendly, welcoming environment. Being a student tutor encourages higher levels of thinking, increases ability to manage one’s own learning and study strategies and improves understanding of subject area content. Sophomore, junior and senior students are eligible to become tutors based on teacher recommendation. Along with the gratification that comes from helping one’s peers and the camaraderie of fellow tutors, tutors have the opportunity to earn service learning credit or Harper Promise community service hours. -
Nation (EG Spirit Club)
Our mission as the Nation is to bring a diverse group of students together to have the confidence to feel a part of something bigger than themselves. We encourage school spirit and promote a variety of activities for students to get involved with. Our goal is to help all students from various backgrounds develop a connection to Elk Grove High School and what it means to be a Grenadier. -
Principal's Advisory Council
Sponsor: Arturo Senteno, Assoc. Principal (arturo.senteno@d214.org)
This group consists of a class representative from each second period classroom. The purpose of this group is to develop student leadership through peer feedback and student body decision making. Members will meet monthly and are expected to get a consensus of their class and to act as a representative. -
Student Council
Sponsor: Aleksandra Dimitrov (aleksandra.dimitrov@d214.org )
Student Council’s purpose is to encourage students to involve themselves in the school and community; to conduct activities that promote the general welfare of the school and the community, to represent the interests of the student body, and to instill and promote leadership within the student body. Student Council is responsible for planning many all-school activities. Elections for the Executive Board are held in the spring for the following year’s council. Representatives must apply after board elections are held (in the fall for freshmen). -
Youth Advisory Council (YAC)
Sponsor: Raymundo Galarza (raymundo.galarz@d214.org)
Youth Advisory Council "YAC" is a group that meets once a week after school dedicated to improving the lives of students. It does this by teaching students to de-stress by playing fun and sometimes silly games. It also encourages students to live a healthy lifestyle by spreading positive messages throughout the school.