Tutoring Information
WE HAVE 90+ PEER TUTORS available to help with all levels of Math, Science, and most levels of Foreign Language, Social Studies and English. All of our tutors go through an extensive training process in order to be prepared to provide the students at Elk Grove with the best possible academic support.
WE ALSO HAVE TEACHER TUTORS available all period of the day in all subject areas available to help students seeking tutoring and to support our peer tutor program.
Mastery lab information
Tutoring will be available in person.
Peer tutors are available 7:30-3:00 Monday-Friday.
Teacher tutors are available most periods.
Late Night Lab Information
Open to all students.
LNL is an after-school resource for students to use to get academic help. We also have a test reassessment portion, so students can make up tests there as well.Teacher tutors for all subject areas (Math, English, Science, Social Science, and World Language) are available 3:20-4:40 Tuesday-Thursday.
Reassessment center is available 3:20-4:40 Tuesday-Thursday.
Leilani Hernandez
Mastery Lab Coordinator
leilani.hernandez@d214.orgCindy Larson
Late Nigh Lab Coordinator