D214 Stories

  • From Fixing TVs to Founding Geek Squad: Meet Wheeling Alum Robert Stephens

    After stints in art school and selling mattresses, Robert Stephens – WHS Class of 1987 – founded Geek Squad at age 25 and hasn’t looked back since. To converse with Stephens is to try gamely to keep up with a free-form, free-flowing mind and personality fueled by curiosity, an absence of conventionality and deep interest in the next big thing, whatever that may be.

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  • Wheeling students shoot for the stars with NASA project

    Space travel is hardly new, but videos of astronauts floating through the International Space Station never get old. Watch carefully the next time you see such a video, because Wheeling High School (WHS) students have manufactured the lockers sent up to the space station to house experiments and projects that the astronauts are tasked to complete.

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  • Prospect's URise students swing into action for Sunrise Lake Outdoor Education Center

    In a world with ever-increasing speed, immediacy and instant gratification, the value of the process, working towards a goal over a long period of time, can get lost. For students who have spent most of their lives living and working at a breakneck pace, many do not get the opportunity to learn the payoff that comes with patience.

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