Volunteer Opportunities

  • Want to give back to the community?  Need service hours for Harper Promise, AVID, or NHS?  This page can help you find ways to get involved while earning service hours.

Mustangs Committed to Service

  • Mustangs Committed to Service (MCS) recognizes students who have performed extensive service either at school or in the community. We know that important life-long lessons are learned while working in service to others.

    Hours of service can be performed individually or as a part of any organization or club within RMHS. Students receive service credit for service hours in which they don’t receive either pay or academic credit.

    Click here to see our current service opportunities.

National Honor Society

  • RMHS's National Honor Society (NHS) regularly publishes service opportunities on their Schoology Page that are available for members to participate in.  Please be sure to check out that page for more information.


Hands On Suburban Chicago

  • "By harnessing the power of volunteers, HandsOn Suburban Chicago (HOSC) strengthens 44 communities and builds capacity for over 100 nonprofits in Northern Cook and Northern DuPage Counties. In addition to helping nonprofits, HOSC volunteers also help support a large underserved population of seniors with a wide array of services that helps them age in place, promote socialization and reduce isolation. Additionally HOSC mobilizes volunteers to deliver academic and social support to under resourced and at-risk youth. HOSC also educates nonprofits about volunteerism and best practices in the field through yearly trainings and classes to our communities."

    Click here to see current service opportunities.