Preparing for College Juniors
Take a rigorous academic curriculum
Take a college admissions test (ACT/SAT)
Meet with your counselor or college counselor and start exploring
College Board Step-byStep College Search
Develop a list of Questions to Ask
Attend College Fairs
Log into Naviance and research schools
Attend career nights
Think about teachers you will be asking for recommendations from Senior year
Visit colleges (during Spring break & Non-attendance days)
ABC's of College Visits
Meet with college admissions counselor(s)
Take a tour of the campus
Sit in on a class
Meet with professors in your academic area
Talk with admissions reps.
Talk with coaches/music directors/other activities people [See website if you want to play sports in college]
Important: You should call each school 2-3 weeks before your visit to schedule a tour, information session or classroom visit. Try to schedule a visit when students are on campus.
WHS will grant an excused absence for college visits, provided parents call in advance to notify our school of the absence and return with evidence of their visit, such as admissions material or a business card of the admissions office and fill out the college excuse form found in Student Services.
Please see your school counselor or college counselor (Ms. Amador-Zapata) for a form BEFORE your visit.