Activities & Clubs
Co-curricular activities provide students with opportunities to engage in athletics and other activities that enrich their education and further develop the core values of respect, responsibility, caring, fairness, trustworthiness, and good citizenship.
In this section find more information about the Activities, Athletics and Fine Arts opportunities available to Buffalo Grove High School students.
CLICK HERE for detailed information on all BGHS clubs and activities.
Academic - Noncompetitive
Aquarium Club
Sponsor: Mr. Schram
Coding Club
Sponsor: Ms. Zaba
Design Club
Sponsor: Ms. Oversmith
French Honor Society
Sponsor: Ms. Horwath
La Société Honoraire de Français exists to stimulate interest in the study of French, to promote higher standards of scholarship, to reward high scholastic achievement and to encourage enrichment and service opportunities relating to French. In order to be inducted into the French Honor Society, students must be enrolled in French and must have completed at least three semesters of French at the high school level with a 4.7 grade point average, and they must have a 4.0 overall GPA. In addition, members must demonstrate an interest in French language and culture by participating in several French-related out-of-class activities. A formal induction ceremony is held in early May.Games Club
Sponsor: Mr. Karl
National Honor Society
Sponsor: Mr. Trenkle
Juniors and seniors who have a minimum weighted GPA of 3.8 or above are eligible to apply for NHS in September of each school year. Students who are eligible to apply for NHS complete an extensive application showcasing how they fulfill all four pillars of NHS: scholarship, service, character, and leadership. Learn more.National Technical Honor Society
Sponsor: Mr. Bellof
NTHS recognizes outstanding student achievement in career and technical education. BGHS is one of over 2,000 schools and colleges throughout the U.S. to sponsor a local chapter. This organization, affiliated with Clemson University, encourages higher scholastic achievement, cultivates a desire for personal excellence, and helps top students find success in today’s globally competitive workplace. Learn more.Spanish Honor Society
Sponsor: Ms. Rodriguez
The Spanish Honor Society or Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is a national organization for students of Spanish in the United States. The students in this honor society are celebrated for their academic achievements and interest in the language and its cultures. Once initiated in the Carlos Fuentes chapter at Buffalo Grove High School, students become lifelong members of the society. However, it is encouraged that students remain active members at BGHS by completing culture activities and demonstrating continued success in their Spanish studies. Membership in this society is very exclusive and brings opportunities for college scholarships at the chapter and national levels as well as travel scholarships. -
Athletic - Performance
Sponsors: Mr. Siegal, Mr. Meyer, Ms. McEwen
The Buffalo Grove cheerleaders work hard to promote school spirit and crowd involvement at various athletic events and other school functions. The Varsity Cheerleading Squad is a made up of guys and girls while the JV Cheerleaders are all girls. Cheerleaders cheer at home and away football and basketball games as well as a few soccer and volleyball games. Additionally, the Varsity cheerleading squad competes at local, IHSA Sectional and State competitions.Competitive Dance
Sponsor: Ms. Carrison, Assistant: Ms. McNamara
The Bison Poms are composed of a JV and Varsity squad with students from all grades on both squads. Their goal is to promote school spirit and pride, provide an opportunity for individual growth and enjoyment, and entertain at school and community functions. The Bison Poms perform at both football and basketball halftimes, as well as pep assemblies and other special events throughout the school year. They also compete at the local, state and national levels. Tryouts are held in the spring for the following year’s squads. Practices are held after school during the school year. Early morning and evening practices are held prior to major performances as well. -
Auto Club
Sponsor: Mr. Murrin
Discover Health Careers
Sponsor: Ms. Nickola
Educators Rising
Sponsor: Mr. Kosiek
Investment Club
Sponsor: Mr. Mroz
Mock Trial Club
Sponsor: Mr. McCabe
Bass Fishing
Sponsor: Mr. Foecking
In 2009 bass fishing became an IHSA sanctioned activity. The Buffalo Grove Bass Fishing Club is an organization that meets on a monthly basis to go fishing, and learn successful techniques. The outings and informative meetings are designed to prepare students to compete in local bass fishing tournaments, as well as the IHSA tournament in the spring. The club is open to all students interested in fishing.Chess Team
Sponsor: Mr. Park
This group helps students who are interested in chess to learn the game and develop skills that will improve their level of play. In team competition, eight players form a Varsity team and play individual matches against players from opposing teams. Buffalo Grove participates in the Mid-Suburban League division of the North Shore Chess League, providing competitive play across the North Chicago suburbs. The season culminates at the IHSA State Tournament, usually held in Peoria in February of each year.DECA
Sponsors: Ms. Roberts and Ms. Zaba
DECA is an international organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management for college and career. DECA combines classroom preparation with competitive events.Math Team
Sponsors: Mr. Garst, Mr. Huynh, Ms. Moy, Ms. Wilson
The Math Team competes in the North Suburban Math League of Illinois with 55 other schools. There are five regular season meets, with different topics for each of the grade levels at each meet. The "mathletes" are given a 30-minute period to take a five-question test. These contests typically contain advanced problems beyond what is given in the traditional math curriculum. The Math Team also competes in the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional and State Math Contest series. Students are able to compete in both individual and team contests. Practices are held a minimum of once a week, immediately after school.Model UN
Sponsors: Ms. Malartsik
Robotics (Robot Rumble)
Sponsors: Mr. Pichik and Mr. Tschammer
Robotics is the study of engineering concepts and principles through the construction of combat robots. Students work in teams to design, fabricate and assemble robots to compete for battle. The BGHS robotics team has competed all over the country in the national high school Robot Rumble competitions. Learn more.Scholastic Bowl
Sponsor: Mr. Russell
Asst: Mr. Karl
Scholastic Bowl is an interscholastic activity sanctioned by the IHSA. A team of five players compete using a signal lockout system to answer questions on a variety of academic topics. This is a fun, fast-paced game that requires quick thinking and reflexes. Competition is against other schools in the Mid Suburban League. We also compete in various tournaments in the Chicago area.Science Olympiad
Sponsors: Ms. Raucci & Ms. Braceros
Science Olympiad is a collection of 23 science and engineering events in which students compete against one another. The team competes at a regional competition locally, and based on performance at this competition, can go on to compete at the state and national levels.Speech Team
Sponsor: Ms. Jasinski, Assistant: Mr. Garneau, Mr. North
The Individual Events team, also know as the Speech and Acting team, begins its activities in September and continues through the month of February, ending with the IHSA’s Individual Events Championships. Students compete in a wide range of activities, including interpretation of verse and prose, extemporaneous speaking, original comedy, radio, duet acting and many more. Students compete on two levels: Novice and Varsity. Tournaments are on Saturdays and are held at various high schools throughout the state. -
Asian Student Association
Sponsors: Ms. Shin-Cooper, Ms. Sadler
Ebony Club
Sponsors: TBD
Ebony Club focuses on African American culture, history, and community service. The meetings promote cultural awareness and the connection between African American and other world cultures. Discussions also include current events, social skills needed for success, and college admission information. In February, the club produces a number of African American History Month events. All students are welcome.French Club
Sponsor: Ms. Horwath
Gender & Sexuality Alliance
Sponsor: Mr. Eriksson
The Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA) is a student organization created to unite people who seek the common goal of forming a safe, open-minded, and educated environment respecting Gender, Sexuality, and LGBTQ+ issues. The GSA promotes equity and acceptance of differing personalities, lifestyles, sexual orientations, and gender identities in our school and lives. Participation is open to all Buffalo Grove High School students who share these interests and goals. Meetings are held weekly after school.German Club
Sponsor: Ms. Santeford
German Club gives students the opportunity to experience the culture of all German speaking countries through authentic food tasting, after-school events like Oktoberfest, Fear Factor, and field trips, including our annual Christkindlmarket visit. Membership is open to both students of German and those who are just interested in learning more about German culture. The club meets every other Wednesday after school. Learn more.Hellenic Club
Sponsors: Ms. Domaracki
The BGHS Hellenic club is an organization that meets twice each month to bring together students of Greek descent, explore the Greek culture and celebrate the heritage of our Greek ancestors. This club is also open to all students interested in learning more about the Greek culture and its traditions. We have both on and off campus events and gatherings to spread Greek love to everyone!Asian Student Association
Sponsors: Ms. Shin-Cooper
Latino Americans Student Organization (LASO)
Sponsor: Mr. Vargas, Ms. Garay
The purpose of the Latino Americans Student Organization is to help students develop a positive view of themselves and their futures. Students are motivated to be responsible, work well with others, be committed and learn to understand their culture, the American culture and all other cultures. Students are encouraged to learn about their education options after high school and have a sense of belonging within BGHS and the community. Throughout the year, members go on educational, yet fun, field trips. They also participate in community service, listen to guest speakers and conduct fundraisers. At the end of the year, students will participate in the Chicano Bowl. The group meets on Wednesdays after school in C104.Spanish Club
Sponsors: Ms. Rodriguez
Fine Arts/Performance
Art Club
Sponsor: Ms. Oversmith
Sponsor: Mr. Genualdi Assistant: Mr. Rambert
The Buffalo Grove High School band program is made up of more than 170 students divided into Concert and Symphonic Bands, which are part of a comprehensive music program at the school. Other performance opportunities in the band program include two Jazz Ensembles, Marching Band, and Pep Band. The bands participate in various festivals throughout the Midwest. The Jazz Band rehearses after school and on evenings and receives academic credit. The Marching and Pep Bands consist of members from the Symphonic and Concert Bands and perform at home football and basketball games, as well as at other selected community events. Learn more.Choir
Sponsor: Ms. Utley
The BGHS choir program includes credit-based academic choruses as well as after school activities. Students can join beginning choir, treble choir, concert choir, chamber choir, and By Popular Demand, depending on skill level and vocal music experience. All of the choirs perform multiple times throughout the school year. Learn more.Color Guard
Sponsors: Ms. Cowell, Mr. Mendoza, Mr. Roth, Mr. Ruti
Sponsors: Fall Play - Ms. Wells, Winter Play - Ms. Stenzel, Tech Crew - Mr. Conkle, Mr. Goldspiel, Musical - Ms. Stenzel and Ms. Wells, Costumes - Ms. Andres, Tickets/Publicity - Ms. Jacks
The theater program brings together hundreds of student actors and crew members to produce three productions throughout the course of the year. Students must audition for their preferred roles and commit to attending after-school rehearsal leading up to the performances. Learn more.Jazz Band
Sponsors: Mr. Genualdi
Students who wish to participate in the Buffalo Grove High School Jazz Bands are invited to audition for the ensembles at the start of the school year. Participation is open to students enrolled in the Concert or Symphonic Bands and Orchestras who play trumpet, trombone, saxophone, and percussion as well as any students in the school who play guitar, bass, or piano. This group meets on average once a week at different times in the school year. Learn more.Orchesis
Sponsor: Ms. Carrison, Assistant: Ms. Vaselaney
Buffalo Grove High School Orchesis, under the direction of Michelle Carrison, is in its 38th year as a dance program. The co-ed group is a performing group that encourages all forms of dance including ballet, jazz, hip-hop, modern, breakdancing, lyrical, tap, character, multicultural, choreography, etc. Orchesis is a co-curricular activity that involves a variety of performance opportunities. The team also focuses on exploring, creating and producing dance as an art form. Learn more.Orchestra
Sponsor: Mr. Stewart
Buffalo Grove High School offers four different orchestra opportunities for students. They are Concert Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, and the opportunity to perform in small ensembles during the solo/ensemble festival, held annually in March. Learn more.Technical Theater Crew
Sponsor: Mr. Conkle, Mr. Goldspiel
The Buffalo Grove Tech Crew gives interested students hands-on experience in many aspects of theatrical production. Participants will have the opportunity to work backstage on three major productions, produced in the fall, winter, and spring of the school year. Numerous other events, including dance, music, and a variety show provide other opportunities for involvement. All students are invited to become member of "the crew" and those who join will gain experience in scenery construction, stage lighting, properties, costumes, and stage management. -
Class Boards
Senior Class Sponsor: Ms. Kolodziej
Junior Class Sponsor: Ms. O'Neill
Sophomore Class Sponsor: Ms. Swartz
Freshman Class Sponsor: Ms. JustinianoEach class at Buffalo Grove High School has its own governing body consisting of four officers and numerous representatives. The purpose of the class boards is to promote class unity, foster class spirit, and allow students the opportunity to accept responsibility while enhancing student life for all students at BGHS. Representatives are elected/appointed in the spring for the following school year. From this body the sophomore, junior and senior class officers are elected. Representatives are elected/appointed for the freshmen class board in the fall of the year. The freshmen class officers are elected from within this group. All class boards meet on Thursdays during 4th hour.
Bison Service Club
Sponsors: Ms. Braceros & Ms. Raucci
Bison Service Club is an organization for volunteers open to all Buffalo Grove students. It is a great way to get involved in the community in addition to bettering the lives of other people. Activities and projects that members participate in include mentoring, food drives, cancer walks, and helping the elderly. Interact meets briefly once a week after school.E.C.C. (Environmental Club)
Sponsor: Mr. Schram
The Ecology Coordinating Committee is a resource for the students, staff, and community to facilitate environmental awareness, interaction, cooperation, and action. We hope the information provided will prompt the Buffalo Grove High School community to make informed choices that will benefit society.E-Sports
Sponsor: Mr. Impastato
Sponsor: Lt. Colonel Beyer (Wheeling High School)
NJROTC is a course in leadership, teamwork and citizenship, using studies about the Navy as a common core. Students take the course as an elective and receive a grade that counts towards graduation and their GPA. Only the academic class and a few unit activities are mandatory, but cadets are highly encouraged to participate in the unit's 'extra-curricular' field trips, teams, and events. Students are NOT members of the military, though they wear a regulation military uniform once each week. Learn more.Spirit Club (Blue Crew)
Sponsor: Mr. Siegal
Blue Crew is the spirit group that helps run all pep assemblies, airband mixer, senior teach day, senior breakfast, winter ball, prom fashion show, spring break mixer, hacky sack tournament, state send-offs, Pack-the-Place, senior nights, faculty appreciation nights, madman volleyball and dodgeball, and tailgaters at sporting events. They are also in charge of the school mascot, Bernie the Bison. Students can sign up through an application process in May and at the beginning of the school year. There is also an executive board made up of 34-38 people. Members of the executive board meet during the summer to plan events for the following year. Meetings are on Wednesdays and on late arrival Thursdays during the school year. Blue Crew works with class boards, student council and all blue and orange spirit groups. All students are welcome to join.Student Council
Sponsor: Mr. Schram, Assistant: Ms. Whippo
Student Council’s purpose is to encourage students to involve themselves in the school and community; to conduct activities that promote the general welfare of the school and the community, to represent the interests of the student body, and to instill and promote leadership within the student body. Student Council is responsible for planning many all-school activities such as Homecoming, Variety Show and Silent Auction.Elections for the Executive Board are held in the spring for the following year’s council. Representatives must apply after board elections are held (in the fall for freshmen). Student Council meets during 4th hour on Tuesdays and committee meetings are held on an as-needed basis. -
BGN (BG Network)
Sponsor: Mr. Hansen, Mr. Green
Newspaper (Charger)
Sponsor: Mr. Green
The purpose of The Charger is to publish a newspaper approximately every three weeks that informs readers of Buffalo Grove High School’s happenings, provides a public forum for students and staff to express ideas, and leads the Buffalo Grove High School community to be the best learning environment it can be. Newspaper meets as a regular class period daily. Artists and photographers can participate without registering for a journalistic writing class. Learn more.Yearbook (Stampede)
Sponsor: Mr. Hansen
The Yearbook staff meets as a class every day, with the goal of producing the yearbook for BGHS. Students must apply with a formal application available at registration, obtain a recommendation from a junior high school English teacher, be committed for the entire year, and be willing to learn Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop as well as how to take digital pictures. Students must also recognize that they will do some writing. -
Student Support
Peer Counseling
Sponsor: Ms. Vesper
The Peer Counseling program is designed to help new members of the BG community assimilate to our culture. New and Transfer students are warmly welcomed by Peer Counselors and taken to and from each of their classes during their first few days on our hectic campus. In addition, the Peer Counselors hold an annual breakfast in which they celebrate new students and give them a detailed view of their new surroundings through activities and games that help them understand what it means to be a Bison. Peer Counselors are model students that promote school spirit. Meetings are held during 4th period, so interested Peer Counselors should speak with their counselors about scheduling concerns.
Jeff Bott
Associate Principal
847-718-4018Julie Carlucci
Activities Assistant