The Prospect Automotive Program focuses on not only preparing students for a placement into post-secondary automotive educational institutions or careers after graduation, but offers students the basic knowledge every automotive consumer should be aware of.
The Automotive Technology Program at Prospect High School meets the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). ASE is an independent, non-profit organization with a mission to improve the quality of technician training by setting a standard of excellence for the content being delivered, the industry certification level of the instructor, and the facility. In 2017 Prospect achieved ASE Certification in all 4 areas available to secondary education training facilities.
Prospect High School currently offers three courses in Automotive Technology. The third year capstone course is College Vocational Automotive, and District 214 is partnered with Triton College to offer college credit for this class.
Auto Systems
Automotive Systems (Technical Education) 06051/06052
Grade Level 9-12 Credit/Semester 0.5 NCAA Prerequisite None
Students will experience a variety of hands-on skills and theoretical knowledge of an automobile. Lab activities will emphasize preventive maintenance and entry-level career requirements. Students will explore each automotive system from both a scientific and operational view and will have an opportunity to work on their vehicle for lab experience.
College Vocational Auto
College Vocational Automotive (Technical Education) 66071/66072
Grade Level 11-12 Credit/Semester 0.5 NCAA Prerequisite 06062 or Consent of Instructor
Students will be provided with an in-depth exploration of the specific sub-assemblies of the automobile. Students completing this course will be well prepared to continue post-secondary education leading to the national Automotive Service of Excellence (ASE) certification as an automotive technician. To be enrolled in this dual credit course, students must meet dual credit prerequisites and complete dual credit requirements. Upon successful completion of this dual credit course, students may receive college/university credit. See dual credit section in academic handbook for details.
Diag Testing and Repair
Diagnostic Testing and Repair (Technical Education) 06061/06062
Grade Level 10-12 Credit/Semester 0.5 NCAA Prerequisite None
Students will experience an in-depth investigation into the automobile and how it is maintained and repaired. Students will develop diagnostic skills through the use of lab test equipment typical of that used in the auto service industry. With successful completion of this course, students will have a working knowledge of fundamental diagnosis, testing, and repair procedures.