• Cadets are required to wear a uniform every Wednesday. Our 4 main uniforms include the NSU, PT, Service Dress, and Unit T-Shirt (all shown below). Our 2 most regularly used uniforms on Wednesday nights are the NSU and PT fit.


    uniform 1

    This is the uniform worn on most Wednesdays. 


    PT (Physical Training)

    uniform 1

    This is the uniform worn on Wednesdays when the NSU is not worn. It is usually used once a month for Physical Training.

    Service Dress

    service dress


    This uniform is worn on designated nights. It is worn only by Chiefs and Officers (with the exception of the Military Ball).


    Unit T-Shirt

    t-shirt 1


    t-shirt 2

    This is the t-shirt that represents D214’s NJROTC unit. It is usually worn during community service events, unit field trips, and team competitions.